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The first recreational event for side-by-sides in a Queensland state forest has been set thanks to the new conditional registration (rec rego) agreement with the Qld government.

The Australasian Off Road Vehicle association (AORVA) will support AMA Side-by-Side Vehicle Recreation Events coming to State Forests selected and authorised by the Queensland Government. This follows an announcement last month by AORVA that the Queensland government had approved conditional registration (rec rego) of side-by-sides in state forest

The Queensland State Government and Department of Environment and Science (DES) are investigating an initial eighteen (18) forest locations throughout Queensland, and nine (9) are in the final selection stages to be made available for SxS Recreational Events. Of the nine (9) Forests, Leyburn State Forest will be the first available.

A first AMA event application is in the pipeline to take off with a first event at Leyburn on 2-3 July 2022.

AORVA will sponsor AMA SxS Forest Recreation Events, and sponsor AMA Event Recreation Leaders.

As we prove ourselves, we can look forward to growing more State Forest access into the future.

AMA SxS Forest Recreation Events will be FREE of charge at the gate, all about family adventure recreation, and providing safe and healthy outdoor exploration in Queensland’s beautiful State Forests.

AMA is a recognised association that can provide the necessary $20M Public Liability insurance required to apply for and run Permitted Side-by-Side recreation events on DES managed lands.

Permit conditions will be set and key requirements for participants that we are aware of will include;

  • All event access must be Permitted by a QPWS / DES event process,
  • SxS must be Conditionally Registered (like rec rego) for ‘Recreational’ use on Queensland Roads ($329pa), and must have a power to weight ratio not greater than 115kW/t.
    This means all high performance Sport and Racing model SxS will be excluded.
    Most Utility / Recreation and ‘cross-over’ model SxS will be included, and an eligible SxS model list is being built and maintained on the AMA website. If your SxS is not on the list, it cannot be used in Forest Recreation Events.
  • SxS Drivers must hold a valid Australian Drivers license.
  • Event participants must be AMA Members (for connection to the required $20M PL insurance) Annual Family AMA Membership is $100+gst
  • Each event must be managed by an accredited and endorsed AMA Recreation Leader, Costs for attaining a Recreation Leader accreditation, and insurance costs will be sponsored through AMA by AORVA and our Industry supporters.
    (Interested Recreation Leaders please apply to AMA, without you… we can’t have events!)
  • SxS must be trailered to site and present in environmentally clean condition,
  • SxS must have a standard exhaust system in good condition,
  • Helmets, Seatbelts, minimum 8 years child passenger age, and all other manufacturers safety recommendations for SxS use apply
  • Other site specific participation requirements as determined by QPWS Permit conditions to follow.
  • SxS must stick to the DES designated trail in Forests, and the forest speed limit is 50kmh,
  • All rubbish must be taken home with you.

Register on-line at and we’ll see you on the day. Sign-on to the event with the Recreation Leader at the gate, where you’ll be briefed, and your machine checked. Then you will have the whole day to explore the riding tracks in Leyburn as you please.

Further information: contact Mr Darrell Knight, AORVA Manager at