AORVA were instrumental in getting conditional registration for side-by-sides in Queensland across the line. Here's where they see it leading.
AORVA have had a big win recently, with a huge leap forward in conditional registration for side-by-side vehicles (like SXS Rec Rego). The Queensland Government has granted conditional State Forest Access for recreational Side-By-Side Vehicles after a series of successful trails dating back to 2018-19. This access will allow SSV’s to be used in organised events within designated Queensland State Forests and is reminiscent of Victoria’s Rec Rego for motorcycles and Tasmania’s existing conditional access for side-by-sides. So, SXS Rec Rego is almost here!
AORVA President Alan Collins believes the access would allow more families and owners to use their SSV’s in differing terrain whilst boosting the regional and rural economies around the designated state forests. “AORVA would like the thank the Queensland State Government for this decision and for consulting with AORVA over the past years to achieve this important start to land access for Side-by-side owners.” Collins said in a recent Media Release. “The land access model adopted in Tasmania which has been running for many years is what we know to be the best solution for all stakeholders. We will continue to work with all State authorities to hopefully achieve similar land access for Side-by-side owners across Australia.
Indeed, this access grant from the Queensland Government is a testament to AORVA and their drive, as dirt-bikes have struggled to have recreational access granted in most places around Australia. Collins recently sat down with ADB and gave us some insight into the great news coming out of Queensland. “It’s been a long journey… this quest has been ongoing now for seven years.” Collins stated. “There’s been no silver bullets, just a lot of hard work, alot of collaborations with the governments and departments and a lot of engaging with members.”
Indeed for Collins and AORVA as a wider group, this engagement with members is paramount to their success. “The members are what gives us the seat at the table,” he said. “We represent the wider voice and desires of the community and can take that to planners and politicians effectively.” Undoubtedly, AORVA’s member base will be thrilled with this recent development, but where other attempts at recreational registration have failed, like insurance for example, AORVA have navigated through swiftly. “AMA will be providing the permit and insurance for Side-by-Side users on public land… that partnership with AMA was crucial for not only insurance but also ongoing management.” Collins explained.
From a more logistical sense when one gets their conditional access, we wondered what kind of roads or terrain users could use on a ride day. “At the moment people would open up the AMA website and attain their membership and access to the desired land on which they can use on a designated day. At this point access looks like it will be constrained to gazetted roads within that land area.” Collins clarified. “Some of those details are still being ironed out however.”
Important information will be released in the next couple months on when rides will occur and in what designated forests after the last attempt to run one in Leyburn in early-July got rained out. For now though its a great time to join AORVA and keep up to date with the expanding Side-by-Side scene.